
"The Hut", aka Pizza Hut, Is Now On Twitter!

It appears that Pizza Hut, in a bid to become hip-and-also-fresh, has opted to start some stores under the moniker of "The Hut."

Simply "The Hut."

Really, Pizza Hut? Was "pizza" too hard to remember for some folks? Won't this cause confusion among people who own actual huts?

But that's not the only questionable news. It turns out that Pizza Hut, back in April, started employing people whose job it is to update the public, via Twitter, on specials and deals at Pizza Huts. Pizza Hut calls these people "Twinterns", a name so demoralizing that it caused me to backwash some of my vanilla pudding. Bloop bloop bloop!

What's next? Twalesman? Twecretaries? Twactors?

'Cuz I don't know if I can handle a tractor that tweets.

::Bonus Question of the Day:: How would you describe your job position, say, on a resume, as a twintern in such a way so you could avoid using the actual term?


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