
Pink Ribbons for the Cure!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is cool, because fighting breast cancer helps the world suck less. It also means that my store stocks pink suckers and Susan G. Komen cookies - fun products that let me use my sweet marketing psychology skills to good-naturedly rib regular (male) customers.

ME: “Hey, how’s it goin?”
CUSTOMER: “Pretty sweet. The sun’s out.”
ME: “Yeah. Just the milk for you today?
CUSTOMER: “Yeah, that’ll do it.”
ME: “Ok. You should totally buy one of those pink suckers and support the fight against breast cancer.”
CUSTOMER: “I think I’ll be OK with these, thanks”
ME: “If you don’t buy one, it means you hate breasts!”
ME: “I bet you’re standing there right now thinking, ‘What have breasts ever done for me?’ That’s cold, man.”
CUSTOMER: “You put me in an awkward situation now, because I do like breasts.”
ME: “I know! So buy one.”
CUSTOMER: “So a sucker, or what, those cookies over there?”
ME: “Yup. And buy two, because breasts come in pairs!”

You all have no idea how often this works.

My sentiments are best summed up in what my coworker yelled after a female customer today -

Happy Breast Awareness Month!


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